Preventing the Coronavirus

We are traveling to Mexico and so I did some research on ways to prevent getting this virus. First supporting your own immune system is important. Remember it’s just a flu, so don’t freak out, like any flu it can be mild, moderate or severe depending on your own immune system. Medline Plus recommendations – […]

11 Best Ways to Face Life’s Challenges

Dr. Ken Best is a holistic physician who specializes in sports chiropractic and applied kinesiology. He teaches people how to find and change limiting beliefs so that they can rewired the way their brain works to create the life they want. He also uses a holistic approach to heal people who are suffering from both […]

Knee Pain In Sports Injury Rehabilitation

Knee Pain in Sports Injury How do I treat a knee pain? Typically I find knee pain pretty easy to work with because the limited planes that the knee works in. There are also several muscles that have to support the function of the knee. Any dysfunction of these muscles can result in knee pain. […]

Discovering and Healing Prostate Cancer – Part 1

Discovering and Healing Prostate Cancer – Part 1 The discovery of prostate cancer was by accident, now it’s time to get serious about holistically healing prostate cancer in myself.  I feel great and have no signs or symptoms of anything wrong. I was delivered a sample kit to test a new supplement, which had research […]

Exercises for Back Pain – Youth and Vitality

Hi, I wanted to talk to you about some exercises for back pain that I give my patients on a regular basis, to improve their spinal flexibility. They are good especially for the lumbar spine and thoracic spine, as well as the cervical spine. There are 2 basic exercises that I have found particularly useful: […]

The Mystery of Rapid Weight Gain and Leaky Gut

Short Term Fast Weight Gain in Leaky Gut In reality you can’t lose 2lbs of body fat per day, nor can the average sized person gain 2lbs of fat in one day.  So where is that short term weight gain coming from?  Unless you consistently are binge eating it’s difficult to gain weight quickly.  Yet […]

Today I Really Love

Today I Really Love Why is difficult to say I love you? I was pacing in the kitchen making coffee remunerating over last-night’s game with friends.  Wherein, we had to say a quality we liked about the other person. And today I was thinking why is so difficult for me to give compliments, which in […]

Get Your Body Into Fat-Burning Mode

Chiropractic and healing has always been my passion, and many of my patients ask me to help with their overall wellness and weight issues as well. I’m happy to say I have found a solution that makes Ideal Protein your last diet. Here is a video that explains it all: 1. Why sugar is the […]

Knee sports injury and applied kinesiology

When testing for any sports injury there are many complex relationships in the muscles surrounding the knee and the hip area in addition we cannot forget and there may be some imbalance through the hips that can create more stress at the knee. Also if we are carrying extra weight – 5 extra pounds of […]

Dr Best West Hollywood Chiropractor Treating Chronic Pain

Healing chronic injuries